How Far One Can Go
How Far One Can Go features conversations centered around the world of endurance sports. We interview professional and amatuer endurance athletes, subject matter experts, and innovators in the space. Our hope is to guide you on your journey of discovering what you're capable of and inspire you to go further. After all, only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go (-T.S. Eliot).
How Far One Can Go
Nail your nutrition with these science-backed tips from tactical dietician, Lauren Thomas
Jake Savage / Lauren Thomas
Episode 5
If you've had as much trouble as I've had finding the right info for proper fueling, this episode is for you. Lauren Thomas (LT) is a sports dietician that works primarily with tactical teams/special ops teams based in the nation's capital. Prior to that, she worked as a sports dietician for the University of Georgia's college athletes. LT provides concrete tips on fueling to help you perform at your best. I've already adjusted my own training to include her recommendations and have noticed almost instant improvements. Enjoy!
Interested in working with LT? Check out her site https://www.tier1mindset.com/ for more info.
Check out https://www.teamai.org/ for more info on our endurance team!